Monday, October 29, 2018

Different Types of Security Measures

Eagle hunter solutions limited have come up with varying tricks to keep your property safe against and theft. The Best security services in india claim that with such measures the crime rate has reduced a lot. Security protection services have come up with diverse Security Measures that one can take. Here we are going to discuss about the different types of security measures.

Security Guards
There are the security guards who are often positioned right at the entrance of the theatre. These guards are stationed there with an intention to prevent people from getting into the restricted areas, for instance the reel rooms. Not only this, but they are also helpful in case any accident takes place. In such cases the security guards help the people to evacuate the premises safely. They are also the ones who play an instrumental role in getting control of the entire situation. Thus, the role of security guard can never be ignored.

Alarm Systems
Alarm systems have been there in the theatres since they made their appearance in the initial stages. It is actually mandatory to have the alarm systems installed in the movie theatre. These are helpful in case of fire as people are notified as soon as the incident happens and precaution measures are taken immediately. Apart from this, having the fire alarm suppression systems help to reduce the fire from triggering and spreading thereby causing damages. There are these advanced alarm systems also that have the capability to notify the local authorities like the fire stations in case such a thing happens.

Glass Break Detectors
Glass break detectors are the types of alarm systems that raise the alarm when they find the sound or some sort of a vibration breaking the glass. As the burglar tries to enter the home or say your property via means of breaking the window, then the glass break detector systems gets triggered. As an after effect of these getting triggered the alarm is raised immediately.

All in all, these are the different types of security measures that people take to protect their properties.
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Sunday, October 28, 2018

Security Measures to Protect Your Property

Eagle hunters claim that many of the thefts in the properties take place owing to negligence of people. Not many people are aware about the integrated security solutions. The top security services in India claim that there are several security measures to protect your property. These are mentioned below.

Metal Detectors Doors
You might have observed that whenever you go to a theatre, you are asked to pass through the metal detector doors. These metal detector doors detect any sort of harmful metal that can be a threat to the surroundings. There are also the security guards who are scanning people by making use of the metal detectors one by one. Such acts prevent the people from carrying any sort of harmful objects with them inside the theatre. This is important not only for the people who are there to watch the movie but also for the infrastructure of the theatre.

Security Cameras
Inside the movie theatres there is an installation of the security cameras. These are installed keeping in mind a plenty of factors and reasons. With the help of these cameras, one can constantly monitor the entire theatre without being physically present there, from the security control room. In case there is any event or a suspicious activity then an immediate action is taken as soon as it is identified. This also checks and controls the possibility that people record the scenes or capture the entire movie on their mobile phones. N movie theatre for obvious reasons would want such a thing to take place. Thus, the security cameras play a vital role in preventing such a thing from happening. With the advancement of technology, the infrared cameras have become available which are apt for the movie theatres. This is so because these are the cameras that are capable of detecting the objects as well as the people even in the dark. This thus makes the task of surveillance easy for you.

All in all, these are the security measures to protect your property that you can undertake and always remain safe.